i'm new at this, and having fun :)
when making a complicated app or game, the block editor is crammed with builds. at the end, sifting through all that in order to find a specific build is like finding a needle in a hay stack...
what i do is trying to keep related builds in areas in my mind and on the blocks 'canvas'.
then i thought, why not make an option for sub-dividing the canvas to tab-controlled partitions? let me name the tabs as i see fit - movement, score, etc. - and keep an option to go back to a full canvas.
other options:
- draw big squares on the block canvas and number them
- give me the option to zoom in and out on the block editor canvas
- create "earmarks" index that zooms in on the matching earmark
you get the idea.
The following article may give you some ideas to proceed: http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/other/manyscreens.html with some of your screen stuff.
The following article address drawing squares on the block canvas
Steve's 36 buttons with Scotts snap https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/36$20buttons/mitappinventortest/c7xYUTKFG_Q/hlwOMxsNm6oJ
You could do something similar by placing sprites on the canvas and use them as Buttons (they are not but they have properties you can use to make them behave like a button).
I think Steve's answer is not a reply to jimm's question.
There has been quite some discussion on how the blocks edtior could be made more user friendly to large projects and eventually something will happen, I sincerely hope.
For now, the best option is to collapse the blocks and sort them by category. Then just expand what you need while developing. Sometimes I also make screenshots of relevant blocks, so that I can have more windows open with the same thing.
If you are a programmer, then you might try to some development yourself, because AI2 is open source.
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