I have NO programming experience.I assume this requires a database,and my app also takes input from users which creates a separate page that receives data input on a massive scale from potentially millions of users.
Can an app be made in AI that will take massive data,and if not can i (add) a larger database to store and retrieve data for users world wide?
Thanks for any help much appreciated!
welcome aboard migsy!
Depends what you mean by massive data... On any device, you're limited to memory of the device. How much data are you talking about?
Thx for the reply Enis it is appreciated :0) Im just trying to get an understanding of how much data can be stored using MIT AI?
Im talking about data input on a massive scale with possibly millions of people inputting several times a day.So it would have to be a very large database,probably web-based im assuming.
Ill check out Fusion Tables.So i can "add" massive databases to App Inventor?
If so,is there a tutorial on how to do that? Its just that i dont want to head down the road of learning AI if i dont have that capability...i have a mission to complete my dream app and im going for it!!
Any help very much thankful
MITs tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html
AI2 free online eBook http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page.
Do the Pizza Party MIT tutorial to get an introduction to Fusion Tables with AI2. Read about what Google's Fusion Tables can do here https://support.google.com/fusiontables/answer/2571232?hl=en Only you can determine whethe Fusion Tables meet your needs.
However, reading you post, you probably should be programming in C++ for Windows or a Mac and working if you are going to work with that much data. Android phones and tablets are NOT computers, though they can do a little computing. You got to find out for yourself.
Good luck.
Thanks Steve, yeah it looks like i either need to be a computer programmer or i need to hire one.Think it will be the latter as i tried Java years ago and it did my head in...lol
Thanks for your advice guys! great forum and very helpful,thank you for your time
Thanks for your advice guys! great forum and very helpful,thank you for your time
see App Inventor -
MySQL interface
and for other database solutions see here https://puravidaapps.com/tutorials.php#db
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