- export my appinventor 2 app on my computer
- extract the .aia file
- insert into the .aia files a .txt file
- package again the aia files
- import the project on the appinventor website workspace
- tell to file component where to read the .txt file i put
I'm able to do only the first 3 step, then i'm lost...
Don't go through all of that trouble...
Just add the text file as media, and then use it in your project...
as Enis said
- tell to file component where to read the .txt file i put
see the documentation http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/storage.html#File
ReadFrom(text fileName)
Thank you both..... The solution was to add the txt as media and then use the double " // " to call it!
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