You are trying to use the emulator to run an existing Project. Did the project run with WIFI/USB or the emulator previously? It the Project ran previously then:
Do you have BlueStacks loaded on your PC? BlueStacks creates serious issues for running AI2.
Do you have an AVG, Eset or AVAST virus checker. Some versions of these products inhibit running the emulator unless (in the case of AVG) the Advanced Link settings on the software are set to allow AI2 communication.
One of the following probably applies to your code (all may not apply to your code):
1) You have coding errors in your blocks. In the Blocks editor, look in the lower
left for the yellow and red triangle icons. If the red icon has a value larger than 0,
you have a serious coding error. Find the block in your code that has a red triangle and
fix it. Red triangles always inhibit creating an apk or running a project in the
emulator or possibly creating an aia file. Yellow triangles are more forgiving,
however, sometimes, these need to be fixed because they trip an internal warning and
you do not get a compile, so fix the yellow triangles too.
2) Your source file (the aia file) is larger than the 5Mb limit allowed in AI2 or you
put images or other resources in your Media (resources) that you do not use in the app.
All the images and sounds in resources count toward the 5Mb limit. You can program
apps larger than 5Mb in the browser, but they will not compile and might not run in the
emulator or the project may not save as an aia. If this is the case you need to reduce
the size of your image and/or sound files. Most image files can be made quite small
by resizing them using a photo manipulation program on your PC to less than 50Kb each.
3) You might have more than 10 Screens in your app. AI2 becomes unstable when more
than ten screens are used.
4) You might have set a Screen icon for your project that is too large. Use an image
sizeof 48x48 px or 96x96px instead and only use jpg or png images. *.ico files are not
5) You did not code the entire project using App Inventor 2. If you used one of the
third-party AI2 clones,you might not be able to load a Project into the AI2 compiler or
create an apk with the standard AI2.
6) If you incorrectly modified the project's Manifest files, you may have issues.
7) Sometimes, if you have LOTS of Layouts on a single screen, the apk might not
8) or the network you are using is overloaded (possibly a school network), or you have other applications running in the background, or your virus checker is doing a scan. Sometimes, just trying a few minutes later will give you a more favorable response.
The problem could be something else, like running an old version of Companion this instance, Projects > Hard Reset , then if there are issues a pop up will appear (if no issues, nothing will happen...just smile). When the pop up appears, follow the instructions very carefully, then reboot your PC and try again.
nope it dint work honestly am new to app inventor i just found out about it a week ago but since then i have only made 3 or four projects which i followed the tutorials from the app inventor website and since then i havent been able to test my apps using the emulator at first it takes it a long time before the emulator connects and show a black screen after some minutes the app inventor will say can it is unable to connect to the emulator.
Did you install the emulator from this link? and in step 1 go to this link
When you did the aiStarter test (if you did it), did it tell you that aiStarter version 2.2 is running? The test is here:
You have a Windows Xp PC. How much RAM does the PC have? Do you have a fast DSL network connection?
What you describe could be the result of an old PC using a slow cpu and limited RAM.
Here is a simple way to test your system. Create a new project. Call it MyTestPorject.
On the Designer screen, place a button. Do nothing else.
Now from the browser Connect > Emulator
What you should see is the emulator screen and on that screen a Button with the words Text for Button 1. You may have to wait. How long did you have to wait before you saw the button? Or, perhaps the button never appears? On older computers, the emulator sometimes takes a long time to render images of the controls; the more controls, the longer it takes to display.
Let me know what happens.
yes i use a windows xp pc with 893mb of ram and i use a modem for my internet and i tested the aistater in d testing page and i got "aistater is running on your system" could it be my system or my internet speed that is causing the failure?
Did you create and test the small project? If the small project shows the button on the emulator, then the problem is most probably the small amount of RAM in your PC. I expect the emulator to be very slow on your PC because the PC has to use virtual memory (you probably hear your hard drive working hare), and virtual memory can be very slow. If your Internet connection is dial up, I expect App Inventor works very slowly for you. You might try running AI2 at an Internet Cafe or in a Library if they provide that service.
The combination of an old pc and a slow Internet connection is making it very difficult to use AI2.
yea i tried to test the test project but i got the same issue and i could hear the sound of my computer when running the emulator i will try and test it with wifi thanks for your help
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