I'm working the tutorials in the App Inventor 2 book (O'Reilly press) and I'm doing the No Texting tutorial.
When I test what I have so far, I'm having trouble getting the label text to update correctly.
If I put the following in the text box: "Call you later, I'm driving now"
it updates fine.
But if I then put a short sentence in the text box: "Later, gator"
it only update the first part of the label and leaves the rest, so I end up with a label that looks like: "Later. gatorer, I'm driving now"
I can't figure out what to do to get the label to clear itself before displaying the new text.
I've tried setting the label text to " " and THEN doing the update, but this hasn't worked either.
Thanks for some direction!
from your screenshot unfortunately we can't see what you are doing,
we only can see, you are using 2 different textboxes and you are storing the text of one of the textboxes in TinyDB...
Sorry about that! I was thinking that everyone had run through these tutorials and knew them like the back of their hand.
I solved the problem by setting the width of the label to Fill parent... instead of Automatic. This is different from the screenshot but it stopped the problem.
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