To start the year with some new tricks here is an app that simulates some fireworks. It highlights the use of lists of components and use of blocks in the ny Component section.
It is assumed that you know what lists are. You should be able to use the event blocks and basic control structures. Attached is a PDF that describes what to do, a starter app and, if you are lost or lazy, the completed app. Happy inventing in 2015!
very nice tutorial! great job!
actually this is one of the best tutorials we have!
Test and Save!
Happy New Year 2015!
Thank you, Taifun. Cheers, Ghica.
An impressive tutorial, very accessible.
I like the way it avoids the forbidding "wall of text"
I've seen in other tutorials.
It also has a high fun-to-block ratio.
Saved and bookmarked.
A Good New Year!
This is a lovely job. I like the design and I like the format you and David used in writing it. It's a great first example of how to use the ANY block.
Thank you so much!
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