2015년 1월 5일 월요일

I need help. Thanks to anyone who replies with help :)

Hi, I am currently working on a game app for Android using MIT App Inventor 2. I am trying to add in a feature where you have to try and beat your time on each level. Currently I have it that it stores your most recent time instead of your best time for example if on level 1 you get 5 seconds, and then after you get 7 seconds it will store the 7 seconds instead of the 5 seconds when the lower time is obviously your best score. 
I am trying to display your high score on a level selection menu beside the button for that particular level. 

You did not provide a screen capture of your blocks Conor.  Forum users need to see what you tried to provide suggestions.

A way to do what you want might involve the Logic and/or Math blocks and If..then statements.  It appears the BEST scores are the lowest scores so you probably have to compare two scores and determine if score1 is < score2 or the other way around?

Part of what you want to do is discussed here in the forum:  https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/high$20score/mitappinventortest/_SNEp0JhBo4/wqo9f5EjJzoJ     Yes, what you actually want is a Low Score screen...same idea, different logic reasoning.  If you search the many threads you will find two or three aia files that demonstrates different ways of getting a Leader Board type display if that is what you want ...except your leaders are the low scores.

The other part is possibly discussed here:  http://www.appinventor.org/Chapter18 shows how to make decisions.  Another part is possibly here http://www.appinventor.org/Chapter16

If you use a Canvas, you can use the Canvas DrawText to display a score on the Canvas.  To get the score beside a button, place both the button and the score (probably displayed in a label) inside a Horizontal Layout control.  Then they can be displayed side by side.

Tell us here more and show a screen capture (jpg and png images are best) and someone will give you specific advice.

Please post some screenshots of your relevant blocks so we can see what you're doing and what you're trying to do...  If you don't know how to do screen shots, please read my tips below... actually, you should read them anyway as they'll help you as you get deeper into your app.

For my App Inventor Tips, visit TwoDogApps.com by clicking here!

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