2015년 1월 5일 월요일

showMessageDialog to wait until button (buttonText) is pressed

I want the screen to change when the user clicks on showMessageDialog's button. How do I make this happen?

You handle this in the AfterChoosing block for the notifier and change screens like any other screen...

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I did it like in the print, it is not workin :/

Right... sorry, glanced too fast over attachment.

You're not asking to make a choice in that dialog box.  So The AfterChoosing is never firing.  Either do a dialog box with a yes, no answer, or move the open screen to the button click block, under the notifier block.

as Enis said, you have to use a Notifier.ShowChooseDialog
if you only want to display "OK" as button text, just use an empty text block as second button text

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