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How to automatically fill fields in a web page's form (when loaded in a webview)
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WOW!!! Taifun, You are awesome!!!!!! I've been trying to do something like this for a long time but I was not even close. This will also work for logging in to websites. You can fill your LoginID and Password to the website using AppInventor.
Now I have a question....
Is it possible to press the Submit button for the form with a Button ID = "Submit"
I can do it if I place the script below in the form part of HTML, but I don't know how with AppInventor. Is there a way to add this text (or similar) to the solution you have above.
I would like to fill the form with the solution above and then press the submit button to AutoLogin to the website
<script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("Submi t").click();
thank you, I'm glad that you like it...
well, somehow I already was waiting for that question...
I now updated my example, see here
You are Freaking AWESOME!!!
I don't know how you figure this out.
I hope you have time for one more question... :)
Once I'm logged in I would like to fill another form and press another Button, "Find".
The problem is the "Find" button doesn't have an ID...
Is there a way to run the "javascript:findCodes(); in the following text?
I'm able to fill the text input field "Location" but I don't know how to press the "Find" button.
<input type="text" id="Location"/>
<input type="button" value="Find" onclick="javascript:findCodes( );" />
Thanks again for all of your help!!!
I hope you have time for one more question
well, I guess probably I will find some time next year to look at this...
but probably there is an JavaScript expert around, who can answer this...
Thanks Taifun, No need to worry about next year ,YET! :)
Well I got lucky!!!
I was able to get a solution for my problem.
I was trying to figure out how to click this button without an ID.
<input type="text" id="Location"/>
<input type="button" value="Find" onclick="javascript:findCodes( );" />
Instead I thought about not pushing the button but calling the function that the Button was calling on click...
Earlier in the HTML code I have this... function findCodes()
I was able to call the Function with this...
Hope others may be able to use....
great! thank you for letting us know!
the simple solutions are the best!
the simple solutions are the best!
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