2016년 11월 27일 일요일

Error with blocks

Hi, i cant modified the blocks of the Screen1. There's a notification of an error.
I've tried to créate a new Project but i got the same error. Even if I open an old projecto and I start over again I get the same error.
I add an screenshot.

error.jpg 표시 중

If you are using Chrome, try this: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/reset$20chrome%7Csort:relevance/mitappinventortest/Ur14dR3ZO3I/0pm_yOydDwAJ
If you are using Firefox, empty the cache, or switch to Chrome.
Cheers, Ghica.

maybe a "hard reset" can help you?

I see from your screen shot that you have two open browser windows pointing to AI2 ?

AI2 can't handle that.

Extension does this problem

your comment does not help very much in this thread without providing more information..


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