2016년 12월 6일 화요일

BroadcastReceivers SMS in App Inventor 2

I have been trying to make my app work for a long time now - but for whatever reason, the SMS Broadcast Receiver does not seem to work. I want an alert to play every time an SMS is received, but that isn't happening. 

I am attaching my AI source code. I would really appreciate any help in this regard.

☞ ISEF.aia

without looking at your project:
your app must be up and running to be able to play an alert
and in case you are using the Google Voice feature, this works only in the United States, but not elsewhere

I can offer this workaround
In the trigger text field, does the text need to be a part of the SMS - like "x y puravida z" or must the text be exclusively "puravida"? 


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