2016년 12월 5일 월요일

FTP client

Is there no Free example of an FTP client application?


there is my ftp extension available for a small fee here http://puravidaapps.com/ftp.php

and for a small monthly fee there is the Silver Plan of AppyBuilder, which offers a ftp manager component
and you could write your own ftp extension yourself and provide it for free for the App Inventor community...

more information about how to create an extension see the App Inventor Extensions
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...

To write a Java extension to FTP with AI2  you will need some Java code.   Here is a link to what might be an example of the  required Java code.    How do you upload a file to an FTP server? .   Use it as a beginning but you will have to modify it to work with AI2..  To build YOUR extension, you will need a basic knowledge of how to program using Java., perhaps the suggestions here:  https://www.google.com/search?q=How+to+program+in+java&oq=How+to+program+in+java&aqs=chrome..69i57.8159j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8  

Some examples of 'built' extensions:  MIT App Inventor Extensions  

Here again is the link Taifun provided above showing the MIT html describing how to build your own extension:  http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/other/extensions.html  

To write the Java source code you will need a Java compiler like  example Eclipse or Android Studio 2 or IntelliJ IDEA  .  These are free compilers.

Need more help?  Possibly  

Creating an extension is not trivial for someone who does not have any experience programming in Java.   Here is the MIT 'tutorial' showing how to build an extension:    App Inventor Extensions  If it were EASY to build a useful aix, there would be 100's of aix extensions commercially and/or free.  The MIT tutorial is a good beginning but it is not highly detailed. 

Can you build your extension?    Of course, but you may have to teach yourself some non-AI2 skills first.

Why build an extension yourself?    When MIT makes the next AI2 upgrade, the extensions you have from other sources will probably not work with the latest versions of AI2.  If the author of the extension you are using does not upgrade the extension, you will probably not be able to use that aix extension in your projects going forward.

When you build your extension, consider creating a simple tutorial showing how you built the and posting it here in the forum in the area for Extensions.   Hmmm you could keep the code 'secret' but what you show might inspire other non-Java programmers to build different extensions which they might share with the community.

What others say or do with respect to extensions as reflected in the AI2 forum extension section  https://groups.google.com/forum/#!categories/mitappinventortest/app-inventor-extensions   


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