I own a IP Camera, and i want to make an application through app inventor too see her video stream. The problem is that if i put her html page she doesnt play, and so on with her ip page, online stream platforms... Yesterday i knew that is possible to embbed html pages to your app using WebviewString. Im asking is its possible i can use this to stream my camera through my html page too app inventor with this function?
If you have an mjpg link to your camera, do this:
In your html, use <img id="stream" src="" width="350" height="239" border="0">
Replace with your IP and port numbers.
It worked for me in the past.
The link i have to my camera is not mjpeg or jpeg, is actually H.264 and i have to use a plugin to read the rstp link.
Do you know anyway to change your camera stream to mjpeg or anyway app inventor can stream H.264 based video?
What is the link to the camera? I made it work before using the webviewer, and the mjpg link to it. Do you have an mjpg link?
Create an html file with this in it:
<img id="stream" src="http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port/mjpg/1/video.mjpg" width="350" height="239" border="0">
Replace xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port with your actual IP and port.
Upload it to App Inventor 2 assets and open it with the webviewer.
Let us know if it worked.
I've been searching information about your camera, but like you said, it's very hard to find something useful.
Do you have a sample html page of a working stream for your camera?
Anyway, we are falling apart from the purpose of this forum. Maybe you will find more help in some IP camera forum, and when/if you find a link to the stream, all you have to do is what I posted in my previous reply.
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