Hello Please I need some help because I'm trying to design an application that can control a smart home with an Arduino controlled with a smart phone (I did the application using MITapp inventor).
An application that allows me to control the opening and closing of shutters, lighting of the house, a sensor to measure the temperature and humidity (DHT11).
But I have a problem with the temperature display and humidity as it appears on the same label and what should I do to display the temperature in a label and humidity to another label? Thank you kindly help me
Here is my program:
An application that allows me to control the opening and closing of shutters, lighting of the house, a sensor to measure the temperature and humidity (DHT11).
But I have a problem with the temperature display and humidity as it appears on the same label and what should I do to display the temperature in a label and humidity to another label? Thank you kindly help me
Here is my program:
You need a way to mark your sensor reading messages to identify them as either temperature or humidity, so the receiving blocks will know where to show them.
For example, println("T=",t);
and when you receive on the AI2 side,
If connected then
if bytes available > 0 then
set m = incoming message
if the front of the message is "T=", copy the rest to the temp label
if the front of the message is "H=", copy the rest to the temp label
See the text blocks for length(), split at, segment.
You are probably receiving both T and H in the same message m.
This will get you only one reading per message because it will split them at the Line Feed.
thank you for your reply
I have a question:: Can I take a break in the application (as I do in the Arduino (delay))?
can i do this with timer ??
AI2 has no wait() block,
but you can use a Clock from the Sensors drawer and set it as a timer.
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