2017년 1월 4일 수요일

Filter json results from KODI into image path (folder.jpg)

Hello i am using MIT app inventor 2 to make an app that runs on an old (spare) android phone to display the folder.jpg of currently playing movie (later on i also want to do that with music)
i cant filter te path to use, par example: {"id":"VideoGetItem","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"item":{"id":1,"label":"2012","thumbnail":"image://F%3a%5cMovies%5c2012%5cfolder.jpg/","type":"movie"}}}
this is the result of the json.
i want to keep: image://F%3a%5cMovies%5c2012%5cfolder.jpg // wich is the dvd cover (and maybe the label: label":"2012 )// wich is the titel of the movie
I tried various optiions like making a list but then i stil get text with lot of params between '()'
can someone help me with this ?
 blocks (1).png

If I am not mistaken then what you are looking for is a simple string filtering.

You can use the methods in the Text component to do that. 
For example the Starts at. Which returns the index for when a specific text appears in the supplied string.

If you always want to find the image value then passing in "image:" to the Starts at method will return the index at which that text starts. So it will give you the index for the "i" in "image:". Then you can use that index to do more filtering.

I hope I have put you on the right path.
Let me know how it goes.

I just made a very crude proof of concept for you.
It is simply to get you started. Nothing fancy.
I hope it kickstarts your solution :)
Import it into your App Inventor and have a try.

Taifun's answer below is better :)

The Web component contains a JsonTextDecode block that converts the JSON text to a nested list.
Once you split that list down to the item's data fields you can use the list lookup in pairs block to get the value of a key.

What would the result be if you attached 'type' to the key socket of a lookup in pairs block in the above example?
what about using the JSON decode block together with the lookup in pairs block?
as you can see, it helps to use Do it...
You could also run your raw JSON text through my shredder blocks.
See attached.







this doesnt look like i can use some of it.

I am working on this, i have used the enclosed .aia but the result is not usable to view the picture.

The reason is that the slashes are wrong side  '\' in stead of '/' i have made a solution to that but my computer froze up :(

Back on it again now, thanks so far.

I have something that is doing it for me for starters.

I see a flaw but that's in Kodi(.tv) itself (i am not a fan of the library system in kodi, so i put a folder.jpg in every drawer of a movie, but somtimes kodi doesnt display it and presents me with a video preview of the movie, i have to sort that out with kodi developers)

For now i am glad i have it working, 

Thanks TaiFun. 

Also i like to thank all others who thought about an solution.


Here i am again :-) sorry

I am struggling to get the results of 2 json strings.

i tried doubling all routines but its get messy then.

i figuring out wich json command i need further (cant put them together as one i believe)

I want to implement this:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetProperties","params":{"playerid":1,"properties":["totaltime", "time", "percentage"]},"id":"1"}

test result i get back: 

how can i put this with what i have so far ?

do i have to use 2 webviewer's and 2 web1.GotText parts ????

Create a global variable called something like GetThumbnail and set it to true.
Then use an inline if block to determine which text string to send to the device:
In the GotText event block you use an if block where the blocks will be different depending on the data returned.
Set GetThumbnail to false to get the time data instead.

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