2017년 1월 5일 목요일

Fusion table for map

I want to ask how to display map of location from fusion table to app inventor?

From fusiontable? If you do this, then your data is static and won't be able to get your current location.
Do you need to display the map based on lat/lon that comes from fusion OR you want to display the current location based on locationsensor?

Yes i want to show "map of location" that come from fusiontable not from location sensor.
So i can see all of map point that store in fusion table on android device

Then, check out AI MapIt tutorial HERE
Also, check out the blog post HERE for pulling data from fusion table.

maplocation.jpg 표시 중

no. i already success to work with fusion table i just want to know how to display "map of location" in google maps in android



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