2017년 1월 14일 토요일

Get data stored in the phone in the app db

I'm new to MIT App Inventor, so would be grateful if I could get some guidance regarding this issue. I want the app I create to save all the call logs in the app's database. For example, as soon as the user makes a call, it gets recorded in the app's database, even if the call is deleted from the phone's call log, it persists in the app's database. The same thing for text messages. All the text messages of the device should be recorded in the app's database. I'm having issues getting data (like calls, messages) from the device and processing it in the app. Please help me with it..

 I want the app I create to save all the call logs in the app's database
unfortunately that's not possible in App Inventor currently

you could write your own extension and create a block yourself...

more information about how to create an extension see here Announcing App Inventor Extension Components
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...


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