I want to create a blog in the context of the app. How do I do that? Is it possible.
It is a group of people in the app, who want to talk to each other, in the app and start discussions. How can we do it in the App Inventor 2.
Like a windows blog or a Google Forum? Not possible.
You can with App Inventor 2:
1) use the Firebase component Jeff at MIT once described an app he called chatbox which could keep 10 comments posted. It is not really a forum, but it is a chat app.
The component is in the Experimental Drawer and described here: http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/experimental.html#FirebaseDB and described also here Brief introduction to cloud data and the FirebaseDB component Unfortunately I can not locate the original chatbox advice and aia provided with the blocks so you are on your own. Try it and when you create something useful, post it here perhaps?
or you might modify this tutorial Creating a Chat Application in App Inventor 2
2) Use a fusion table to post. If the FusionTable is shared and all users can read/write, then that would provide a means of exchanging data.
3) Possibly other options using DropBox etc.
I believe this is possible: As long as you have internet connectivity, and the users do not need to transfer information "out" of the "chat/forum" to the app, you could always set something up on the web (e.g. google group or wordpress) and use the webviewer to access it. Users would need to login etc.
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