2017년 4월 17일 월요일

New extension: SMB Manager

Hi fellow app inventors,

This is my first public extension, which can do the following:

⦁ List all files and folders of smb share (windows shared folder)
⦁ Copy a local file to smb share

I hope to add more functionality soon. Feel free to criticize , report bugs or share your ideas for improvement.
I'm not a Java pro, so there still could be some bugs, don't use it for production yet!!

To accomplish this extension I used the jcifs library which is also used in all major Android file managers that support smb. 

Well done Jörg!

I guess the best bit of functionality would be to be able to "play/open" a file on the smb using activity starter or onboard players (e.g. pdf, mp3 or mkv)

Maybe already allows for this?

(added to FAQ Extensions section): Notification Extensions for you

Good idea, I wanted to add download functionality anyways, streaming seems to be similar. I'll check into it
great! keep up the good work!
Version 2 of the SMB manager extension has been posted here: 
SMB Manager extension Version 2


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