I have a spinner that will select a sound, displayed what was selected and play the selection. The spinner list has the names of the sounds "alarm1.mp3, alarm2.mp3....."
I would like to see in the selection "Alarm 1, Alarm2...) Is there a way to have the text replaced? Say Alarm 1 = alarm1.mp2....
use a second list with the nice names and use that list for the spinner
then in the AfterSelection event select the corresponding item from the first list using the selection index
When the screen loads and or I select spinner I get an error (701 unable to load Sound X and unable to play Sound X)
Getting frustrated. I have this now, when I select a sound from the spinner I get unable to load 2 and unable to play 2 (number based on what one I select)
I understand what the #2 represents (it is the selection index line. how do I take that selection line 2 and get it to select line 2 in the list of sounds?
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