2017년 5월 28일 일요일

notification bar

hello guys :) my name is diego and i'm from Chile ... i'm creating a radio streaming app and i almost finish it but i want to add some notification like this ->  http://prntscr.com/2xjo6f (click it to watch the image) 

and when user click it change to my app . Also if it's possible i wanna add some label and display into it the song name. can anyone help me with that? i'll leave my source code if anyone can help me.

thanks a lot guys and sorry about my english (i do the best i can)

I was just wondering if you could be more specific as to when you're trying to notify a user?  I believe that AppInventor currently only supports notifications on receiving text messages as seen in this example:  http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/content/alertme.html .  As far as updating a label displaying the name of the song, I was wondering what components you're using (I assume the Player component) and how you are using them (what kind of web resources do you use for your radio app)?  You should simply be able to use "set Label.Text to" -> "Player.Source" and that should give you the path to the file you're playing.  If you want just the song, you might need to use the "split at" text block and split at "/".  The last item from this will be the name of the file you're playing.  

I'll try to be more specific :)

1.- I was just wondering if you could be more specific as to when you're trying to notify a user?

Answer : when someone press the play button on my app it will run and the user can listen the music , then , if he press the "menú" button or the "red call button" the music still listening but i wanna create a message on the notification bar (i think that's the name) , so if he drop down that bar the user can click the message and be back on the app.

2.- As far as updating a label displaying the name of the song, I was wondering what components you're using (I assume the Player component) and how you are using them (what kind of web resources do you use for your radio app)?

Answer : i'm using the player component and it's bassically the same as this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NPedAmyiFk , also i'm using my own radio streaming ip : http://prntscr.com/2xkqhl but i don't really know how can i link the song name to a label :/ i'll try to use "set Label.Text to" -> "Player.Source"

 i want to add some notification like this ->  http://prntscr.com/2xjo6f (click it to watch the image) and when user click it change to my app .

Sorry not currently possible with App Inventor.

Also if it's possible i wanna add some label and display into it the song name. can anyone help me with that? i'll leave my source code if anyone can help me.

To display the song name you will first need to get that information into the app from somewhere. Where does the song names that you are playing exist? On a website?

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