hello ,can you help me with code ?
for example a ListPicker have 3 elements A,B,C when user picks "A" a button appear and when user click the button a DialogMessage appear with a text "This is paragraph A" .and when picks "B" the DialogMessage text will be "This is paragraph B" ans so... that's what i need .if you can give me a screenshot of the blocks i'll appreciate it
What have you tried John?
If you want Button1 to suddenly appear, you must first place Button1 on the Designer then set Button1.Visible to false, either by unchecking the Button Visible in the Designer or setting Button1.Visible to false in code. In the ListPicker1.After Picking block, you would set Button1.Visible to true.
To get your dialog, you need to use the Notifier component or use a label to display your message.
In the ListPicker you need some IF..THEN statements in the Form if If ListPicker.SelectionIndex = 1 then the A message (if A is the first item)
ELSE IF ListPIcker.SelectionIndex = 2 then the B message . A selection can also be made using the ListPicker Selection block .... If Selection = A then .... else if Selection = B then ...
Read about the LIstPicker here : http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/userinterface.html#ListPicker
Read about conditional statements here: http://www.appinventor.org/bookChapters/chapter18.pdf
Try some blocks then ask again John. You certainly can figure this out.
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