How to create more than 1 text file using Speech Recognizer ?
That is, there is an arrangement to add more files to it.
for example-
File name 1: abcd
File name 2: efgh
File name n: xxxxx
And these files are stored in memory card pdf format or notepad format.
I hope you guys will definitely help me in making this application.
There is a Speech block that returns you the text.
Drop it into a global incoming_text variable (for debugging),
and split it at "save file" using the text split block.
The number of list items will tell you if you included
the words "save file" with a file name.
If just 1 item, the user isn't finished speeking yet,
so JOIN it onto the end of another global,
all_text, initially blank.
If 2 items, then item 2 must be the file name (I hope)
so JOIN the text onto the end of all_text and
write all_text out to file name (select item 2 of the list) JOINed with ".txt"
then clear all_text.
Ask for more text.
I forgot to mention, keep a TinyDB entry tag=FILES with
an initially empty list of all the file names that were used
to save text, to help finding them later.
When writing a new file, retrieve FILES, add the new name to it, and
save it back to TinyDB tag FILES.
If you give any example .aia, then I will also understand.
I suggest to start with this Gallery app and then add file capabilities to it once you understand it.
The screen notes is the one that accepts speech.
Also see this recent post for an example of one way to parse speech input Speech Recognizer - Talking Calculator
and act on the results.
This application is not in English, I only know English and Hindi. This is in any other language.
So I do not understand it completely
These applications do not work properly, so I do not understand its function on my phone
This is the search URL for your error in this board ... search results for RECOGNIZE_SPEECH
That's the place to look for other people who had your error and what happened for them.
I see three patterns ...
Some people tried to do speech recognition in the Emulator, which does not support it.
Other people were running Samsung Galaxy phones.
Also, some of the people had multiple language support turned on.
You might find more similarities in your reading.
So far, it looks like you need a different device or need
to play with your device's language settings.
You might find better help in the search results.
Here is a super simple speech recognition sample
from the Gallery, for your device testing.
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