It appears that speech recognition is not supported... See this blog: https://forums. ---. Scott.
Hi I want to run an app with speech recognizer in the emulator but it reports the following runtime error: No Activity found to handle Intent ...
I am having a problem with speech to text in a very simple app. The app works fine in an old Droid phone but returns the following error message in a ...
This is what the Google API says ( found in this link reference/android/speech/RecognizerIntent.html ) ...
Hello. I have a problem with the SpeechRecognizer. When I click the Button then a Speechrecognizer must be called but I get the error message ...
Using SpeechRecognizer in emulator results in a runtime error: No Activity found to handle Intent {act=android.speech.action.RECOGNIZE_SPEECH ...
@Shivendra I do not know what the issue is on your Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime. Here are some things you might do to get it to run on your device.
because i have the same error in the case of the Emulator. if you take a look at the already mentioned threads ...
This is the search URL for your error in this board .
Hi,. I have used Speech Recognizer with my SMS messaging app on my phone for over a year with good results. This has changed in the last month.
When I call for the Speech Recognizer to "get text", the message "No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.speech.action.
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