2017년 7월 19일 수요일

Timer countdown wont stop

Maybe anyone can help....my countdown timer wont stop after reach 0,0,0 and wont play sound, the timer automatically start a new countdown, any solution for this?


if numberofseconds <= 0
then end

still not work when i change ibltimeleft.text <=0

Why not check if global milliseconds is less than 1000

still not work when i change ibltimeleft.text <=0

I suggested the following, which is something else...

  if numberofseconds <= 0
  then end

Thank you for have respond my question Mr. Djsedaw and Mr. Taifun but forgive my level is just beginner so i still confused how to write and put the code of numberofsecond cos i have look at my component there is no numberofsecond, if you don't mind i need more explaining where i can get n where i must put that component.....forgive me for my ignorance  

Would you be able to post your aia file?

Thank a lot Mr. Djsedaw for your concern, i am just trying to make a program that when time reached then the program stop count and then play the sound

Thank a lot for your help Mr. Taifun

I have only changed you blocks slightly, there is now a global start hour and min variable to set the start time to go to, and have changed the check if time is up by keeping it simple and just checking if hour, min and sec are zero, hope this is of use, also your happy birthday mp3  seem to play forever but i will let you sort that one out.

Thank a lot Mr. Djsedaw its work he3......so if i want to change the time i just change the value of start minute or start hour.
 but i still got one problem how to make a countdown keep on running even the application close perhaps you have the answer 

Hi Riko, there are a few ways of doing this if you have a search, the method I use (thank you who ever found it) is

load this mp3 file one_second_silence.mp3

set it as below on player2
Set up the block below and call true to turn  it on, false  to turn it off

sorry where i can get call wake lock code?

sorry where i can get call wake lock code?

alternatively you might want to use the KeepScreenOn method from the tools extension

Thank a lot for your advice i will consider it

I would Google app inventor procedures, you create the procedure and call it wakelock (or whatever you like). If you are still stuck after googleing I will help.

ok thank you for your advice i will try googling first and i will ask again if im still got the same problem 


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