2017년 8월 11일 금요일

Mit Inventor to Service Mit Inventor and background applications

I'm Denis and I would ask an information about Background Application.
I need that my app works also when its screen is not shown. I read a lot of post online but I would ask if someone discovered some tool to leave an app created with Mit Inventor in background. I tried with TaifunNotification.MoveTaskToBack but doesn't works. Infact when i reload the app the numbers are not varied as expected.
Secondly I would ask if there is a way to convert my app created in Mit App Inventor2 for services.appinventor.mit.edu

I add that I tried to create an initial app with services.appinventor.mit.edu and then I tried to copy each screen from the project created with Mit Inventor 2.43 into the initial project created with Service Mit Inventor 2.36.
The following error appears "This project was saved with a newer version of the AppInventor system. We will attempt to load the project, but there may be compatibility issues.", but I don't know which functions induce this error.

MIT recently shared some thoughts on using AI2 as a Service. Do not expect any support any time soon for a Services version.

MIT AI2 development staff indicated recently they could " take the code we (MIT) have and put it into production. But people would be very disappointed when they find that devices with limited memory kill off background apps without warning. That a "simple" background app will either not run enough, because the phone goes into "deep sleep" or if we take a wakelock (to prevent deep sleep) battery life is terrible. People *hate* apps that drain their battery and make their phone warm (or hot!)."

Companion 2.36 is required to use the EXPERIMENTAL services link.  Users cannot use the current 2.43 Companion and expect apps to run.  For the moment, an AI2 Services option does not exist.  MIT's comments indicate that providing Services using AI2 is more difficult than they anticipated when they started to experiment with Services in late 2016.     I read their comments to indicate there will be no general background capability in AI2 in 2017 and perhaps never.  MIT is evaluating options for what appears to be 'limited background' processing.

If you have an immediate programming need for an app that can process in the background Dennis, I suggest you work with the professional Android Studio (which can create apps that do run in the background).  Services is presently unsupported on AI2.   You cannot convert your App to a services app.  The current version of Services is UNSTABLE and buggy.  

I would ask you two more information: first of all if possible to create a service in background which opens my app created in mit inventor more times with a delay and let to my app to load some data from a server and reclose when it finish the process.
Secondly if exist an automatic way to traslate my mit inventor app in android studio or other applications. I read a lot of forum about he same question, but these are of many years ago. Maybe today exists an automatic way. 

The reason you receive the warning about backward compatibility is due to the fact that every screen is saved with the version code of App Inventor used to create it. The services instance has not been updated to reflect new additions to App Inventor in the interim because it is not considered a production version of App Inventor (we currently maintain 4 such instances). For the most part, so long as you are not using services nor relying on the ShowListsAsJSON feature you can probably be okay using your newer screens in the older system. However, that being said please be prepared that this instance may go away or be replaced when we explore different implementations of background tasks.

Regarding your latter post about converting your project to Java, the only solution that I'm aware of is Dave Wolber's AI2 Java Bridge project. They provide a version of App Inventor that will generate Java code that you use with their libraries to build apps in Android Studio.


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