2014년 12월 29일 월요일

loose blocks in screens!!!

I loose the blocks in some screens!!!
how to do???

There are numerous messages explaining what might be your issue in the threads in the past few days.   There is an issue with where MIT stores the AI2 images on the Google Cloud.  MIT is working on the issue but it appears it is a very difficult problem to solve.  Please be patient.  This issue is described below.

However, you might have a different problem.   How many screens do you have?    If you have more than 10 screens, App Inventor becomes unstable and this could be your issue.  The simple fix may be to restore your project using the aia source file you should have been saving on your desktop.  Do you have a saved aia file?

Is the problem with only one project or is the problem with ALL of your projects?

What is the name of your project?    It is possible MIT might be able to recover your blocks but sometimes that is not possible.

Please answer the questions and tell us what you were doing with  your project immediately before having lost blocks on some screens (not all the screens?).

Whenever there's an issue with App Inventor, or an announcement you should see, we post it in App Inventor's Splash Screen.  It seems that few people bother to read the things posted right before their eyes... you don't even have to search for it.. it's right there in front of you, every time you start App Inventor!


If you're seeing this post, then please reload your AI browser tab and READ the message!

An example of the splash screen is below... Notice the RED BOX???

I know the message in splash screen...
i've a perfect copy of my prj in local machine but reload prj in MIT sometime not resolve the problem.
When i re-enter in MIT the box appare....in some screens the block are not loaded (empty)
I have 6 screen in my prj, the loose block is in first screen or in the second....random!!!

thanks SteveJG !!!

the problem is only on large blocks (many blocks) but i loose very small picture too (6KByte)

MIT App Inventor still has issues with the Google Cloud Storage, as mentioned in the red splash screen which results in missing assets, see also here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wQy_1uCsZDAXY51wElbMyfy8AJid_EOqklIX_ggzBJY/pub

What you can do meanwhile is 
1. wait until these issues are fixed, or
2. install a personal server and work completely offline. 

Krupong just updated AI2U, version 2.3 is now identical to the MIT App Inventor version nb139c as of Dec 13. Just download the 32 or 64 bit version here http://sourceforge.net/projects/ai2u/files/ai2u%202.3/, install it, start AI2U and your own personal server is up and running! Then just open your browser using the address http://localhost:8888 . That's all.
And btw. with your own personal server you also will be able to build projects larger than 5 MB. So what are you waiting for?

Your solution (local server) is very good!!  My problem is resolved!
it's working OK

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