2014년 12월 22일 월요일

the path of the upload file

Who know the path of the upload file? My upload html file can't be seen with web viewer, what kinds of problems could be? Thanks

This example by Taifun might help http://puravidaapps.com/snippets.php#2htmlread     .    We are not sure what you are trying to do with an html file.

Is this example what you want to do?

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

I attach the upload html file. This file is used to get current location and translate the latitude and longitude to Baidu map's latitude and longitude(Baidu map is a Chinese map, we can't use Google map in Chnia) I try this html file in my phone with UC browser(Chinese browser), and it works well, but I can't use AI's web viewer to open it.

your html file dos not help very much here

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

OK, you are getting your map from map.baidu.com/  ?     and you need to post your latitude and longitude to that Web page?    Is that the issue?      or did you try to download the html of that page into your assets?

The Baidu Maps API is here:  

You said you can not use Ai's WebViewer to view the map.   Did you know that you can probably use ActivityStarter instead to open the page?
Does this help?  

Both the Webviewer and ActivityStarter can view a map at Baidu if you are using your device.  The web pages do not load if you use the emulator.
Either of the two buttons will elicit the Baidu maps, an image from my tablet is shown below.

I expect that you can enter the latitude / longitude information either directly, using the ActivityStarter with that information in the url or using the Web component.  Do some experimenting and visit the Baidu developers page which should have some information in the section regarding browsers showing a script of how to enter latitude/longitude.     There is also an Android SDK that might give you some hints.

I use html5 to catch the current location data in my html file, and load the html file into my assets. My user may not install the map APP in their cell phone, so I don't use activitystarter.

Thank you Steve. My html file can work in the cell phone browser, but can't work with web viewer(I upload it into my assets). Does web viewer support html5? Because I use html5 to get the current location data.

unfortunately you did not provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can't see what you are doing

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