2016년 11월 17일 목요일

Firebase GetValue error

I get the error message in FirebaseDB3.GetValue even if the tag is there, with a value. FirebaseDB2 works as expected. What am I missing?

For the time being, I am missing information. I think you should show more blocks or attach an .aia
How many FireBases do you have? Does it actually work to have more that one? Is it useful?
Cheers, Ghica.

I currently have 3 Firebases on that page. My understanding is that you need one for each different GetValue you create. I could combine Firebase 2 and 3 and then parse the data, but I'll need a 4th Firebase anyways so unless there's a limitation on the number of Firebases, I'll avoid the parsing route. If I request for the "sound_file" tag in the 3rd Firebase, it will work, and if I request the "score" tag in the 2nd Firebase, it won't work either. So it looks like it's not liking the "score" tag for some reason. I'll share more blocks when I get to my home PC.

Ok, this is embarassing. Today I went to save all the blocks to share on this thread, and before doing so, I assumed I should remove the FirebaseDBx URLs and tokens for security reasons. This shouldn't be shared right? In any case, while looking at the properties of each, I noticed that my FirebaseDB3 still had the DEFAULT url although I checked this numerous times, having had the issue before. Sure enough, after changing it again, now the app behaves as expected.

How do I make sure that the FirebaseDBx properties get "applied" since just seeing the right URL in the box apparently doesn't guarantee anything? (beside waiting 48 hours before opening the app again :/)


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