I have a new Windows 10 PC on a wifi network and a new Samsung J5 phone connected to that network.
On Companion on the J5 I get "Error: No wifi connection." Version 2.36.
Any help appreciated.
If your app does not appear on your device, the most likely problems are:
⦁ You may have an outdated version of the AppInventor Companion App. Download the latest Companion App for App Inventor 2 from above.
⦁ Your device may not be connected to wifi. Make sure you see an IP address at the bottom of the AICompanion App screen on your phone or tablet.
⦁ Your device may not be connected to the same wifi network as your computer. Make sure both devices are connected to the same wifi network name.
⦁ Your school or organization may have network protocols in place such that the wifi connection is not allowed. If this is the case, you can still use the emulator or you can use a USB cable to connect your device. Go back back the main setup page for these options.
and more troubleshooting http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/support/troubleshooting.html#Phone%20over%20wifi
Connecting the phone over wifi
I'm using wireless and the phone won't connect to the blocks editor.
Try the following steps to troubleshoot your wireless connection.
3. If the steps above both work, try using the "ping" command to ping to the IP Address of the phone (displayed by the MIT AICompanion in its startup window). If you are using windows, type "ping" + *IP address of the phone* in cmd.exe window, if you are using mac or linux, type type "ping" + *IP address of the phone* in terminal window. Detailed instruction see http://www.wikihow.com/Ping-an-IP-Address
4. If all of these steps succeed and Wireless AppInventor *still* doesn't work, then there may be a firewall between the computer and phone that is blocking ports 8001 and 9987. If you have a "telnet" program you can attempt to telnet from the computer to the phone on these ports. If the connection won't complete, then there is likely a firewall in place that is blocking connections to the phone.
I installed the MIT AICompanion App before and it doesn't work now.
You must use the latest version of the MIT AICompanion App. If you attempt to use an older version of the Companion App with App Inventor, you will be prompted to update it.
I followed all the wireless instructions and my phone is connected to wifi, and I still cannot connect to AppInventor via wifi.
If you have trouble connecting using these wireless instructions, make sure your phone is using WiFi and not the cell network. On some devices and in some locations, even with WiFi enabled, the phone continues to use the cell network for Internet connectivity. If this is happening to you, you can disable mobile networking (cell phone carrier based Internet connectivity) from your device's Android settings menu. More information about how the wifi connection works.
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