2016년 12월 8일 목요일


This is a response to a previous post, 

☞ Looking to understand how info is gathered

I was not able to look at this further until now and the conversation will not allow any more post.

Taifun, I looked at your filebyfile, not sure how to make this idea work with procedures as you have a list and the url is the same for all items.  I have 5 procedures with different url's, I would like to be done in a specific order.  With each one prior not to start until result of prior one is gotten.

Create a procedure that calls each filebyfile procedure in turn, suggest using a clock to ensure completion before starting the next one :)  This might be the long winded way but may be easier to code / review.


 I have 5 procedures with different url's, I would like to be done in a specific order.  With each one prior not to start until result of prior one is gotten.
you have to understand the concept of asynchronous methods, which is "do something and after it is done, then do something else"

for example let's assume you have 2 web components and want to get something from somewhere

in a button.click event (or in Screen.Initialize) call Web1.Get (= do something), then in the Web1.GotText event (i.e. after it is done) then call Web2.Get (= do something else) and in the Web2.GotText event (after it is done) then continue etc.

I understand that these need to be done in this way, what I do not understand is how to make it happen.  Each one of these web calls are in a procedure call when the app starts, but it is not working the way that I need it to.  Your idea of the filebyfile makes sense, but I am not understanding how to get a call to a procedure, then move to the next one like your list in the filebyfile.

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

Simplify your app by saving all those procedure calls until you are finished with all your file by file getting.

When the screen Initialize these are the procedures in the order I need them completed.
Procedure 1 & 2 is a call to the phone, 3, 4 and 5 are to the web with different urls.  I am confused how to take these and put them in the file by file blocks.  As the example has the same url to get the files from.

please also provide a screenshot of procedure 1-5


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