2016년 12월 8일 목요일

starting with APP Inventor : direct wifi communication with wifi devices

i'm starting with app inventor and have a very single problem: . my project is to developp android application to command an arduino uno using direct wifi transmission between android device and an arduino uno (connected to an ESP 8266 module/shield) . after opening the app inventor interface , in the connectivity palette i only find "bluetooth" or "web"  connectivity option but no wifi connectivity option . can someone help me to understand what to do = do i have to use" web" connectivity palet in this case  ???

- ESP 8266 is configurated (with  AT &T commnand) as a wifi rooter with its own IP adress 
- wifi connection was choosen insted of bluetooth because off higher range level of transmission ...

thanks in advance 

personal  blog: http://quoy25.pagesperso-orange.fr/ 

Bluetooth is the only way to communicate with an Arduino at the present.  It might be possible to use a personal server along with Web command but I doubt it.

What users know about hooking up and exchanging data with arduino is in these threads:   https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/arduino$20communication

What you want to do with WIFI and Arduino might be impossible with App Inventor.

Thanks for answer ,
i'm so sorry , appinventor looked so nice and comfortable in first overall approach  ...
as a consequence   i've to continue to develop with android SDK tools ...

for example here a way ( video + arduino and android programms) to do the job with android studio or other android SDK:  


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