2016년 12월 15일 목요일

Include my app in the sharing apps list

Is there a way to include my app in the sharing apps list? For example, when you are in the gallery and want to share a picture, you click share, then a bunch of apps appear at the bottom. Is there a way to include my app?

you can try to set an intent filter in the manifest of your app, see this snippet http://stackoverflow.com/a/5097734/1545993

to modify the manifest, you can use 

in case you get it running, you might want to provide a description of what exactly needs to be done

Can an extension be made for this instead of modifying the manifest manually?

Like for an example, if the user is in the gallery, the user can share a photo, then choose my app. When the app opens, it knows that a photo has been sent to the app then do something with it.


Can an extension be made for this instead of modifying the manifest manually?
currently not, because extensions can't modify the manifest, only permissions can be added, nothing else...

Thanks to work by William Byrne this should be possible as an extension in the next companion release. Ref: https://github.com/mit-cml/appinventor-sources/commit/c976f01e1431525a54449c0e1dfcc1c16917d309




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