2016년 12월 15일 목요일

Latest Mac setup tools deploy outdated companion

The latest Mac setup tools deploy emulator with outdated companion code.  Cannot update companion code with autoupdate because AppInventor will not connect to the emulator...because the companion code is too old.  Unless there is some trick with downloading the apk and installing it in the emulator somehow, which I see zero information on doing, this is dead in the water.

Solved it.  

# Fix outdated AI Companion for MIT AppInventor 2 on MacOS
# After install of latest setup tools, download AI2 Companion apk
# Ensure path to adb is set, or command is aliased, (or use full path, etc)

: export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/AppInventor/commands-for-Appinventor
: adb -e install -r ~/Downloads/MITAI2Companion.apk
1876 KB/s (3828897 bytes in 1.992s)
        pkg: /data/local/tmp/MITAI2Companion.apk
rm failed for -f, Read-only file system

# not sure what it tried to delete; but please don't use rm -f!

# Restart emulator from AppInventor
# Reconnect and you're good to go


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