2016년 12월 15일 목요일

Lire un fichier PDF avec une application App Inventor (Read a PDF with App Inventor app)

Hello everyone. I am new to programming the application, and therefore new in programming with App inventor 2. I have a big problem and is counting on you to help me. For our Christmas leave draft, he was asked to create an application with App Inventor that reads PDF file saved in a database which can be updated file. My problem is the code that retrieves a file in the database and open it with a PDF reader. Please help me.

Hi, if you are new to programming, there are many tutorials (all in English!) In this free book (they are PDFs file too!):

I think for Vorte implementation there is a need for a TinyDB or TinyWebDB for your basic data and a ActivityStarter for your PDF reader to open.

How to view a pdf document

Pdf Extension to open pdf files and render a specific page (without using an external app).

Thanks for the link. My app works nicely.


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