2016년 12월 22일 목요일


Re: !! Obfuscated Text Broken?

Taifun. Trying to push the limits of App Inventor! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
2월 21일 작성자: Taifun - 작성자 2명의 게시물 3개 46회 조회

Re: Obsfucated Text Block ?

Tim, What you're saying is exactly the case. Obfuscated text works just like the Text block. The difference is that people can't see what the text ...
2월 6일 작성자: Hal Abelson - 작성자 2명의 게시물 3개 153회 조회

Re: Twitter Component: Consumer Key / Secret Encript?

Use the Obfuscated block from the text drawer... That scrambles the keys/secrets to anyone trying to find them in your APK...
15. 3. 28. 작성자: Enis - 작성자 2명의 게시물 3개 24회 조회

Re: test/verify security.

Read about what others say about Obfuscated in the forum https://groups.google. com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/obfuscate%7Csort:relevance ...
오전 6:14(6시간 전) 작성자: SteveJG - 작성자 2명의 게시물 5개 14회 조회

Re: Google Fusion Tables - Error 2601 Invalid Grant.

Found a couple of errors in my use of blocks. Now just getting error: "Error 2601 fusion Table returned error. The query was: SELECT User_Pwd FROM ...
15. 4. 26. 작성자: Jeremy Morris - 작성자 3명의 게시물 7개 1277회 조회

Re: Is there a way to put permissions on TinyWebDB.

I agree with Stephen here... Although it's difficult to get access to a TinyDB's data, I suppose it can be done. The ONLY way you really have any ...
14. 8. 6. 작성자: Enis - 작성자 4명의 게시물 4개 27회 조회

Re: How To encrypt and dencrypt this program?

What do you want to encrypt? You can't obfuscate AI code, although it's possible that they do some of that during the compile.
14. 7. 15. 작성자: Enis - 작성자 4명의 게시물 7개 50회 조회

Re: PHP_BarcodeScaner_MYSQL_database_password Check Problem.

AI has an obfuscate text block which would make it slightly better and if you are serious, Taifun has an encryption extension here: ...
8월 16일 작성자: Ghica - 작성자 3명의 게시물 12개 32회 조회

Re: TinyWebDB is public or private?

With the help received (just waiting to better understand the issue "... REMOVES the basic interface ...", if it is possible), I thought that I ...
15. 2. 23. 작성자: Nicolino - 작성자 3명의 게시물 7개 131회 조회

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