I 've created an app which resembles a voice recorder. I 've tested on my phone (Vodafone Smart 2, Android 2.3.3) and is working properly.
But when I share my app with better devices (I don' t may it's the higher android version >3.5), my app just crashes when I press the Record Button.
What would be responsible for the crash? And how can I tackle it?
my app just crashes when I press the Record Button.
what exactly means "crashes", any error message?
I normally use Eclipse and Logcat there, but if you have installed the App Inventor Software (see also http://appinventor.mit.ed
to find out more about the Runtime Error, you can use Logcat
How to use Logcat
1. connect your device using USB with your computer
2. in File Manger go to the App Inventor directory, which is C:\Program Files\App Inventor or similar
3. press Shift and right mouse click the subdirectory commands-for-Appinventor to get the context menu
4. select "open command window here" and you will get a command window of that subdirectory
5. enter adb logcat and the logcat will start running
To copy your log, right click, click "select all" and enter to copy the complete log into the clipboard, then open Notepad and paste it using ctrl-v.
Thank you for answering!
Let's say I've what said... what next?
Where would this be useful to?
well, before being able to think about a solution, we should know more about the error...
to only say "it crashes" does not help very much
you also can try my snippet How to use the Sound Recorder
does that work for you on the other device?
It is almost the same thing. There is not problem in the code it just does not work on other devices. App inventordoes not provide options for memory handling or even adjust your app for the currrent system. You just build the puzzle and that's it! I asked if someone around the globe knew about this issue and had solution. What if the appdoes not have any problem? Or if it does have an error and I am 100% sure I am not able to change it from the App Inventor environment. But I don't need that kind of advices. They are seemingly pointless! Even if I follow your steps I am not sure I'll get the error, because it depends on how the app you proposed concieves code. Moreover the snippest you sent me is more less the same code. Start Recording....Pause recording....Stop recording.
I now did a search for you in the forum and found this thread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/0klBjdq9hdk/6OexGFvVcrMJ
there seems to be an issue for Android 4.2.2. devices
Thank you Taifun. Those who have that edition of Android will certainly deprive of my app!!!
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