I created this extension for all Arduino lovers to be used in your projects. This extension has been created using Physicaloid library.
Some highlights of this extension:
⦁ USB-Serial communication
⦁ upload a firmware to an Arduino
⦁ support on Android 3.1 or higher (need USB Host API feature)
⦁ does not require ROOT
⦁ support USB-Serial protocols : CDC-ACM, FTDI, Silicon Labs CP210x
⦁ support uploading firmware protocols : STK500, STK500V2
Currently, this is just for testing which includes some basic things such as:
⦁ Open/Close connection
⦁ Read/Write
Other features that need to be included are:
⦁ Upload .hex files to Arduino
⦁ Support for upload files from assets folder
Extension has been attached here.
Please test and provide feedback on how well this works.
Hello Pavitra I downloaded it thanks for the contribution, I will try to see that such, although I already tell you
Sir the Extension is very useful. I have downloaded and used it but it is not working. Maybe it is of my fault, anyway it would be better if provide a sample program or the image of the block editor of a sample app. Good Work!
I haven't test it yet with an Arduino. So, I cannot give any word on this. However, I am looking for testers. Would you help me in testing? (It shouldn't take longer that 2 to 3 days)
I have one doubt, That most of the serial communication asks to set the the baud rate and in this I didn't found anything like that
I set the baud rate to be 9600 by default. I will make it able to set baud rates in the next release.
I'm trying but does not working, there is an advertisement (com/physicaloid/lib/usb/driver/uart/UartFtdi).
Whit the same connections I've tried https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bp.usbbridge.appinvDemo&hl=it and It is Ok.
Thanks for your idea.
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Attention !! For more information on how to do this, please visit the Github: https://github.com/S2I71/usb_otg_bridge_app_inventor/
Demo version: Try before buying the full version but a screen is displayed with a tempo of 10 seconds between each communication. Fixed speed at 115200 Baud.
Full version:
Possibility of changing the transmission speed: BAUD300,600, ... 57600,115200 ...
More screen with tempo; Completely transparent.
Create in 10 minutes your application on your android tablet which communicates in USB with your Arduino card.
Download the following example: https://github.com/S2I71/usb_otg_bridge_app_inventor/
Students, teachers, communication enthusiasts discover the first application to control UART FTDI devices with a USB connector (Arduino uno, Mega, Yun, FTDI Xbee ...) directly from the APP INVENTOR 2 development tool (No shield host usb or bluetooth, just an OTG USB cable)
USB Bridge for App Inventor 2 allows an OTG USB cable to interface seamlessly between a USB device and the APP INVENTOR 2 development tool.
You will be able to develop your own new applications allowing to use the power of app inventor 2 (graphic, sensors, database ...) and the powers of your peripherals (LED RGB, Servo, AX12A, DC motor ... ) With USB UART at 115200 baud.
Use and recycle your old phones using its internal functions instead of using multiple arduino shield: touch screen, display, mp3 player, SD card reader, sending SMS, GPD, GSM, QR Codes, NFC, bluetooth, wifi , Various sensors ...., for your microcontroller based applications. (Arduino, Teensy, XBee ...)
If your device is not recognized, send me the Vendor ID and Product ID references as the following example for the arduino uno: Vendor ID: 0x2341, Product ID: 0x0001
USB Host mode must be supported + Android 3.1 mini
Example: Controlling an arduino uno card with a USB cable otg and APP INVENTOR 2
(Test OK 115200 baud with an arduino mega ADK card)
In the demo version you just have to change in the app inventor activity:
Change: bp.usbbridge.appinv to bp.usbbridge.appinvDemo
And: bp.usb.bridge.appinventor in bp.usb.bridge.appinventorDemo
Send receive data from Arduino Serial.println (), Serial.print (), Serial.read () card to 115200 baud or other (full version).
Version of the Arduino program under Ardublock.
I've seen with DroidScript is possible by USB OTG, receive or write data from/on arduino, I'd like to use app inventor, can you see how DroidScript works and make the same with app inventor?
I will soon open source it so that many people can contribute to it to make it happen
Great, will check into it as soon as i get my otg cable