2017년 7월 31일 월요일

Google Charts with data from AppInventors WebViewString

An easy way to use Google Charts in AppInventor 2.
Several users have already done some work here but I did not find any code that was easy to use or worked just out of the box.
So here is a new way of showing a PieChart using googles updated services.
The App just set the name and width/height of the chart when rotating the device.

thank you for your contribution

however my pie example works as it is https://puravidaapps.com/pie.php  pie.aia
and I guess the same for Juan Antonio's example here App Inventor and Google Chart. ...

The blocks and the html are certainly simple, on close examination.

But the data for the chart is hard-wired into the JavaScript in the html,
and not passed from AI2.

This would be more useful if it included AI2 data available at run time,
perhaps passed as JSON strings.


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