2017년 7월 31일 월요일

Tag in Database

Hi there I need your help to finish a project of mine. I have just created a messenger app in AppInventor and wanted to test it. I have used the Firebase and i dont know how to create (or however it´s called) a Tag. I have just made these blocks right there (pic). I didnt know  that when i want to test it i cant even register a user without having a Tag in the Firsebase (as i think)

Could you help me there? What do I have to do? 

Have you done any of the tutorials related to Firebase?  See below.  Do a tutorial and get a working app that shows how Firebase works.  Doing that might help you a lot.

Build your app on a single screen (there are issues when you attempt using multiple screens with FB just as with a TinyDB)  Learn a bit about databases before you start your own code to see how Firebase works with AI2s Firebase object.   Create a Tag by placing a Text block into the FirebaseDB1.StoreValue   Tag puzzle piece that contains text.  The following article describes AI databases (not FB but FB is similar) ; Tags there work the same way in FB.    If a tag name is blank, no tag is created...for example, if you define a tag by using a TextBox, the TextBox must have some typed characters in it to save data.



 Brief introduction to cloud data and the FirebaseDB component

The Firebase object in AI2 is EXPERIMENTAL ... to get it to work, you are going to have to try out different things and experiment.

You said " i cant even register a user without having a Tag in the Firsebase (as i think)" ... this is not true.  Anyone who has the compiled apk can see and share the data ...see the MIT documentation.    If your app requires a user to 'register' you will have to provide the code to register and limit participation in your database or chat or whatever.

or you might try the code here:  Create Blog / Forum in the app

as provided by Jeff.


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