I have included the .aia file as an attachment below. If someone could help me on these I'd be very grateful. Thank you.
If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you ...
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you could create a review list and add the words using the add items to list block

Adds the given items to the end of the list.
The difference between this and append to list is that append to listtakes the items to be appended as a single list
while add items to list takes the items as individual arguments. This block is a mutator.
I'm stumped!
add items to list
Adds the given items to the end of the list.
The difference between this and append to list is that append to listtakes the items to be appended as a single list
while add items to list takes the items as individual arguments. This block is a mutator.
I'm stumped!
I thought that's what I was doing. The "savedList" is what I was understanding to be the review list.
sorry, haven't seen the savedList...
you should correct some errors...
1. use text blocks and not variables as tag to store something in TinyDB, in this case e.g. the text "savedList"
2. load the savedList during Screen.Initialize like this
set savedList to TinyDB.GetValue "savedList"
create empty list
Note: valueIfTagNotThere should be the create empty list block for lists!
3. in the ButtonSave.Click event first add the current word to the list using the add items to list block and then save the new list in TinyDB
add items to list get global savedList
you will have to work on the ButtonReview.Click event to display only the saved questions then...
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