2016년 11월 26일 토요일

How to store rowid in a variable

It says "Error from Companion: The variable $result is not bound in the current context". I have tried two ways(not sure if either of them are right), what does the error mean and what is the correct block of code to store a rowid in one screen and use it another to update the row having the rowid we fetched from the other screen?
rowid.png 표시 중
rowid1.png 표시 중
you get that error, because you can't use Do it for local variables
change /n to \n and then select the 2nd item from the list to get the rowid, because your result will look like this



Is the above quuery right? Bcz no matter what query i right and click do it on fusiontablecontrol.sendquery i get the same result.. what's happening? I've name mobile address in the fusion table but it shows something else.
rowid2.png 표시 중

rowid4.png 표시 중

Screenshot_20161123-163727[1].png 표시 중

use the first example and split at \n (new line), your "at" socket is empty currently, which does not make sense
and to add some error handling, you might want to check, if the length of the list is > 1 before selecting the 2nd item


Now im able to get the rowid, but the problem is even though i delete all the rows in the table and make a new insert, it still shows the rowid from the next row of where the last entry was made. How to restart the counter and reset it to 1?


How to delete one or more rows from a Fusiontable
It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.



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