Can we put level representation in figure method
I have to indicate the saline solution level for the patients in the app
As the level reduces the indicator must be shown in the app
Please can any one tell me how to do that in the app
I have attached in the way I want.
I have to indicate the saline solution level for the patients in the app
As the level reduces the indicator must be shown in the app
Please can any one tell me how to do that in the app
I have attached in the way I want.
You are attempting to build something like a progress bar or a single bar bar graph. AI2 has no graphing tool (object) so developers have to be clever.
Here are several approaches you might use:
1) Use the techniques used to develop a progress bar. The progress bar shown in this example uses a label control (!searchin/mitappinventortest/progress$20bar/mitappinventortest/p4O0ibBNcdM/roQVN2ue6YUJ ). You would have to modify the code to work in your application of the saline level meter you are building. Put it in a horizontal arrangement or vertical arrangement and put labels for fluid levels next to the arrangement perhaps.
2) Use a Canvas and use the screen canvas coordinates to plot data. Dr. Wolber's AI2 online book shows how the screen and Canvas works (
- Chapter 17. Creating Animated Apps ) The same techniques work to create a bar graph (a single bar in your case). Using a Chart as a pallet, you can create the saline level fill levels using sprites of blocks (perhaps 10 of them, and place them (stack) them to show the levels. There is a tool in the control to place text on the Chart object.
- 3) It still might be possible to deprecated Google Chart API to create a simple bar graph.
Try some things.
can you please help me how to develop the progress bar?
i will attach my aia file see the design process in that horizontal arrangement 2 i want 2 vertical bars for 2salines indication
and i will get the values to message twice (1) when the saline bottle is reduced to half the message will be half of the saline is completed , then in progress bar the mark should come to half
(2)then when the saline reduced to end of the bottle then the message wil be it it is about to complete and the progress bar indication should be in red color.
these are the 2 caeses. i wrote code in arduino and get the message through bluetooth. and the major concept is based on the weight of the saline bottles
i used to saline bottles 500ml and 100ml
please tell the way to proceed in progress bar
Two possible ways to create a bar meter or single bar histogram using existing AI2 tools:
1. Use a vertical arrangement and a label(a modified progress bar).
2. Use a Canvas and a colored sprite
Both methods work. Here are the blocks and results for both methods demonstrated on a single Project. I posted an aia since the chart method uses a sprite made using a drawing program (also shown as an image) and some screen settings for the example are set on the Designer.
The code looks strange? Android and Canvas screens start at the top and are numbered downward. Both techniques assume a bar meter with a height of 200 pixels, so 0 - 100 % is 0 to 200 pixels. Scaling is manual; auto scaling could be achieved with a greater degree of complexity. The example uses a Fixed Screen1.
If you use a Responsive screen, this exercise becomes more difficult.
For more info on Canvas try and the diagram here in Dr. Wolber's book: .
To finish your project, you might consult the following resources to help you learn to use the AI2 tools: A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual in the AI2 free online eBook ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks. The book also gives you an idea of the capabilities of App Inventor 2 (AI2 cannot do everything the Java compilers like Eclipse and Android Studio can do).
There is a free programming course here and the aia files for the projects in the book are here:
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: .
The MIT tutorials are here:
This is your project Pranay. You have have to add the second bar meter, scale for 500 ml and 100 ml, make it look 'pretty' , make the graphing code compatible with your arduino code. There may be better ways of doing your project. These 'solutions' are not particularly elegant but they work. Start trying coding things. If you get stuck; ask again.
When you have a solution you are satisfied with, please consider posting the solution here or in a new thread so other may learn from your work.
i did not understand in the aia.file
and how does it work also, im not able to fig it out.
can i explain my project once again in which way i need the saline meters please
I attached my idea of the project in written format . I think this will be easily understood.
Can I make like that or suggest me in the new way
I will get only the message which should be read out . According to that the meter color should change . Help me out
Since I'm bored and I have nothing else to do on this long weekend, I took a look at your project and came up with this, which is what I understand what you are asking for. (I hope)
The sliders are only for testing purposes. When you adapt this to your system, instead of receiving the values from a slider, you will receive them from Bluetooth, I guess.
You can specify when the bars will change colors with the globals "Change_to_yellow_at" and "Change_to_red_at" in percentages. (50 = 50%, half of the saline solution container, 25 = 1/4 left in the container)
Check if it may be of any use for you. I for sure had some fun making it.
Be aware that this project is not intended to be a precise health instrument and is provided as a sample for you to modify and adapt to your needs. It's not a final solution. You WILL have to edit it and adapt it.
Thanq very much :)
I will check and make changes as I want
And if I have any queries regarding this can I ask u ??
Will u please help me till I complete this project
i have few doubts regarding this, will you help me out please
actually what you did was a wonderful this solved my problem.
but i few which im able to get them .
1)you have put that slider right, does it automatically change according to the saline??
2) can i remove that 500ml and put a label so that i can get the message there??
3)you have put that read button and clear button ? what will they clear and read??
4)then, can i use that read and clear buttons for my message ? and i think u did not put the blocks for those clear and read button am I correct
1) Like I said, the sliders are what I used to show you how the graphic bars receive information and shows it. You will receive that information from a different source.
2) Yes, you can remove that label. And put anything you need there. That's the purpose of my example.
3) I put those buttons there because you drew them in your hand drawing. Do with them as you please. You can even remove them, it will not affect the graphic bar.
4) Exactly. This was answered also in 3).
Ok !!!
But how will the bars work.
What should I do them to work? :(
Sorry i may be irritating you. But Please help me till I get the required one :)
probably it would be a good idea to go back one step and learn the basics first?
A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.
There is a free programming course here and the aia files for the projects in the book are here:
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: .
Also do the tutorials to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the
Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor
You will not find a tutorial, which does exactly what you are looking for. But doing the tutorials (not only reading a little bit) help you to understand, how things are working. This is important and this is the first step to do.
May be I assumed you had a little more experience than you actually have.
The bars are updated using the procedure block I explained before. It's self explanatory if you have a basic understanding of App Inventor.
In your case, please follow the tutorials first and then you will be able to understand how to implement the example.
i have gone through all of them learnt a lot!!
1) i am sending the values from (0 - 500 for 500ml bottle)and similarly for 100ml bottle ,for the saline level updating through my arduino code by bluetooth.
now please help me how can i use them and change or update the level of saline
and also im attaching my blocks once please check
//Saline Level Alert Program
// Hx711.DOUT - pin #A2
// Hx711.SCK - pin #A3
#include <Hx711.h>
#include "LedControl.h"
Hx711 scale(A2,A3);
int buzzer=9;
int selectPin = 8; // select the input pin for the toggle switch
int ledPin500 =10; // select the pin for the LED
int ledPin100 =11;
int val = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int volume=500;
LedControl lc=LedControl(5,7,6,0); // Pin 5 to Data In, 7 to Clk, 6 to LOAD(orCS)
void setup(){
pinMode(ledPin100, OUTPUT); // declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT
lc.shutdown(0,false);// turn off power saving, enables display
lc.setIntensity(0,0);// sets brightness (0~15 possible values)
lc.clearDisplay(0);// clear screen
void loop() {
val = digitalRead(selectPin); // read the value from the select pin
// Serial.println(val);
// int volume=0;
float weight = scale.getGram();
//Serial.print(scale.getGram(), 1);
// Serial.println(" g");
if(val==0) //if((weight>=15)||val==0)
digitalWrite(ledPin100, HIGH); // turn the ledPin on
if ((weight<=160)&&(weight>=110))
// lc.setChar(0,4,'F',false);
else if ((weight<110)&&(weight>=80))
// lc.setChar(0,4,'H',false);
else if (weight<80)
else if ((weight<80 && weight>77)||(weight<65 && weight>45))
// lc.setChar(0,4,'L',false);
digitalWrite(ledPin100, LOW);
} // stop the program for some time
digitalWrite(ledPin500, HIGH); // turn the ledPin on
if ((weight<=555)&&(weight>=350))
// lc.setChar(0,4,'F',false);
else if ((weight<350)&&(weight>=110))
// lc.setChar(0,4,'H',false);
else if((weight<110))
// lc.setChar(0,4,'L',false);
else if ((weight<110 && weight>105)||(weight<80 && weight>50))
digitalWrite(ledPin500, LOW);
void Disp_Data100(){
int ones, tens,huns;
ones = 0;
tens = 0;
lc.setChar(0,3,' ',false);
lc.setChar(0,2,' ',false);
lc.setChar(0,1,' ',false);
lc.setChar(0,0,' ',false);
void Disp_Data500(){
int ones,tens,huns;
ones = 0;
tens = 0;
lc.setChar(0,3,' ',false);
lc.setChar(0,2,' ',false);
lc.setChar(0,1,' ',false);
lc.setChar(0,0,' ',false);
/*net weight(full)
500ml= 555g,
100ml= 17g
net weight (half)
500ml= 350g
100ml= 11g
net weight (empty)
500ml= 10.5g to 10.2g(low buzzer) ,8g ,52g
100ml= 8g-7.7g ,6.5g ,42g
net weight (500ml) at threshold-1*/
please help me in this app also
i wil be thanful
She can help you if she wants, but maybe I can help you a little more, since I made the project for your meters screen? Is that OK?
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with Bluetooth and how it works, so some things you will have to figure out by yourself. Other than that, I'm more than happy to help you.
As soon as you receive the value via Bluetooth, put that value in the procedure block I showed you. Maybe something like this:
Set the clock to 1000 ms (1 second) or whatever you need it to be. That means the meters will update every n milliseconds. I hope this is helpful for you to start.
Try things, find out how to test blocks yourself. That's the best and most rewarding way to learn. And show us what you come up with.
I put the blocks in way i want for bluetooth values and the message for auto read.
The block which u gave for level updating what should i give there..
1) can i remove the block for slider in screen1 which i have rounded?
Once check my blocks for auto read and updating level , bluetooth for both the labels
Unfortunately I do not have time the next few days.
But maybe you can explain more clearly what the problem is and attach an .aia. There are more people on this forum who understand Bluetooth.
Cheers, Ghica
basically this app is the saline level indicator. In which i will get the values through bluetooth into the LABEL 3 for the level updation for 500ml bottle
and into LABEL 5 is the message for the reading out automatically this is also i will get through bluetooth.
LABEL 4 for similary for 100ml bottle which i will get the values for 100ml level updation and LABEL 6 for the message reading out the value
this is what i want and put them in the blocks format.
But what blocks i put are not working and it is showing me the warnings
and i also put them in list index format for the spliting into labels and i think there is problem in that tooo
i dont want that slider which is used for testing can i remove that complete blocks of sliders??
Im posting my aia.file and blocks and desgin page please solve my problem..
Look at the red triangles! You have duplicate blocks for Screen1.initialize and Clock2
No wonder nothing works. Handle this first.
No wonder nothing works. Handle this first.
Pranay, I don't understand why you keep asking the same over and over. Since I uploaded the project I said that the sliders are there as tests, just to show you how the bars update with different values. So, one more time YES! YOU CAN DELETE THE SLIDERS!
How to update the bars levels: I also showed you and explained before that in the procedure UPDATE_METER, the parameters are only 2: Meter number (1 or 2) and value received from Bluetooth for that meter. That will update the bars levels. Please read and re read the previous answers.
Honestly I don't know how else I can make it more clear. Start by fixing those duplicates Ghica pointed to you. Don't ask if this or that will work. Try it by yourself first. Don't be afraid of trying. That's how everyone here learned.
Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor
Yes sure i will do them now and put the blocks
Thank you
I feel that if i do anything again they wont work thats y im not changing what ever u give
Thank you
I feel that if i do anything again they wont work thats y im not changing what ever u give
i have now no errors as ghica said i removed them and i also removed slider
but my design have become like this i couldn't see the red yellow and green indication in saline level bar
and my blocks are also not working
i am not able to understand were did i go wrong please check out
I see you are sending the global BytesRead to the update_meter procedure and that global is a list. That's wrong.
The procedure is not intended to receive a list. So, send only a number to it. That number is the current amount of saline solution that your Bluetooth sent you. You don't have to send a whole list.
Also I noticed another thing. You have the procedures setLabels, setlabel5 and setlabel6. But those procedure's are never called from anywhere.
Are you aware that the purple procedure blocks are not executed if they are not called?
yes now i corrected them
i call the procedure blocks too
again im getting same :(
and my saline level is not getting updated
y did i lose those that color indication of yellow and red green
yes now i changed that!!
now i have a small doubt regarding that is
im sending the values from the bluetooth to the labels right
1) so with those values will help the level update is my doubt?
2) and to update should I give any delay in arduino code or in how much time gap should i send the values?
Why did you put the numbers 500 and 100 in there? That will always show 500 and 100, not the value Bluetooth is receiving.
Also, is Clock3 even enabled?
If i put clock 2 it is showing me error , then what should put there
I will get the bluetooth values into the labels3 and label4 for the indication of saline level
Instead of numbers please tell how to send bluetooth values into procedure.
Well, you just said you are going to put the levels in label3 and label4, so put the same thing in the procedure.
can i put like that , now what i changed in the procedure (but again i m getting run time error as i did now)
and what about the clock, i think i did wrong in the clock also
Use "Do It" to show what's in the labels.
Please look at the image attached.
1. That block is not connected.
2. What is that block for? You are setting label3 when you call the procedure setLabels.
3. Why do you need Clock3? Why don't you put the calls to the Update_Meter at the end of the setLabels procedure and eliminate Clock3?
2nd which u said i used it there because, i will get the values first to label3 then i will split them and sent into the other labels
thats why i put like that. if it wrong i will remove it
3rd i removed clock3 and put them in do it
though i put there i lost my green yellow and red indication in my level
But what do you have in label3 and label4? Did you receive the numbers from Bluetooth or not?
I Dont know y my blocks are not working?
im not even receiving the values from bluetooth y
please help me where did i go wrong i will correct my blocks and aia.file too please
im tested the values first in bluetooth terminal i received them , but im not getting into the labels3 and label 4
You should enable clock2 in Screen1.Initialize
Is that only one problem remaining all the blocks are correct
Will they work ghica
All labels did i give excatly
Anything else did i miss
Now i corrected the clock2
That's something you have to find out Pranay. Once you make the changes, just try it. Did it work?
Now I'm getting an error in the app
I m receiving the values in terminal app from 500 and as the saline will be decreasing I will also receive the decreasing values such that saline should reduce but that's not happening
The error says you are trying to get the item number 2 from a list with only 1 item. (not possible). So check why the list has only 1 item.
How many items is the list supposed to have?
im not able to solve the error
so i thought of changing the thing. can i change the 2 meters into only one meter italo
i can use only one meter for h the saline bottles like when i put 500ml bottle the values of that saline only bluetooth will send and when i put 100ml bottle i will receive the values of 100ml
so now in my canvas blocks what should i remove such that only one meter will there?bot
I think you should answer Italos's question, otherwise there can be no progress.
It would also help if you provided a set of test-data, since we have no Bluetooth saline bottles to test with.
Like Ghica said, we are shooting in the dark here, because we don't know WHAT and HOW is your Bluetooth sending and/or receiving the information. Only you know. May be if you explain it to us?
I know that the procedure I made draws the meter with the number you send to it, that's it. You are supossed to isolate that single number that says how much saline solution is in the bottle right now and put it in the procedure parameter. That's about it. If you can't get that number, what can we do from here? Believe me, I wish I could have one of those bluetooth devices you are using to be able to help you even further. But you need to keep trying and testing until you get it right.
If you want to use only one meter, You have to do the following:
1. In the designer, set the arrangement that contains the whole meter 2 to invisible.
2. In the blocks: Set the bottle size in the global Meter1_MaxValue. Or a way for the user to select the size of the bottle while running the app (textbox? spinner? listpicker? you choose.)
3. Always use the update_meter procedure to send information to meter 1 only, since meter 2 will be hidden.
That's it, I think.
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