2017년 1월 11일 수요일

How to connect my app with another app dictionnary?

I'm working with my team on a competition called technovation. So our goal is to create an android mobile  application which provide kids with an animated storie. But maybe there is some difficult words that's why we want to connect our app with another app dictionary that must be downloaded from the play store. This application is called "Dictionnaire Anglais - Offline" and in this web site we found the package of the app http://thesaurus.altervista.org/dictionary
But, we don't know  how to make it work with the appinventor we think it can be using the activity starter. So can you help us because we have a deadline and we must do it. Thank you.

Your Android application can trigger a dictionary pack by creating an intent as explained in Android section. 
see the documdntation here Using the Activity Starter Component

It is also possible to retrieve the meaning of a word by querying the Dictionary content provider using the procedure described in Content Provider Basics
this will not be possible using the built-in blocks of AppInventor, you will have to create an extension to be able to do that

more information about how to create an extension see here Announcing App Inventor Extension Components
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...


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