2017년 1월 13일 금요일

Including a file in the downloadable app

Hi, I am currently making an app that I want to use in a museum. Scanning a barcode will bring up information about an object. It seems to work just fine, but I am using an local text-file to hold my object data as a database. How can I include this database text-file in the apk? I also tried it with the use of TinyDB, but here I also can not find a way to include a preset database in the apk file. I want the database to be available for the user of the app as soon as he has downloaded it. Using internet access instead of a local textfile is not an option because this would give too high a load on the wireless network of the museum.

How can I include this database text-file in the apk?
upload the text file as asset into the app and use the file component to read it


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