2017년 1월 13일 금요일

push notifications firebase

See for example these threads https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/ mitappinventortest/push$20notifications%7Csort:date. Taifun ...
16. 7. 22. 작성자: Taifun - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 263회 조회
Hello, I understand you can't add push notifications with app inventor but can you add firebase component to it and then be able to send push ...
16. 11. 1. 작성자: Ram bi - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 54회 조회
push notifications also alert the user in case the app is not running... probably you do not need that feature? and the users of the app will be notified ...
16. 11. 26. 작성자: Taifun - 작성자 2명의 게시물 3개 47회 조회

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