2014년 12월 3일 수요일

App Inventor Error with Emulator

I have logged into a Domain PC as the DA account, the emulator launches but it errors on connecting to the companion. (i have attached the screen shot)

Are there any non standard web traffic ports that require opening or specific URL's that need to be open?

Could anyone offer any help as to what to do to rectify this? 

Most of the emulator connection problems we have seen are a result of not having the most current version of the App Inventor setup software, or that software having been incompletely installed. 

Still, there can be many other issues that could cause the connection to the emulator to fail.  Please read and follow the document below on connection issues:

Click here for Emulator Setup and Trouble Shooting Instructions

If you still cannot get the emulator running after following that document, please post in the forum and we'll try to help you out.

Check port 8004    AI needs to use that port.

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