Thanks for your help!
Above is how I am storing the data, and below is how I am trying to retrieve the stored data in TinyDB2.
These might help:
Hossein's example https://amerkashi.wordpress. com/2014/05/12/lists/
List of Lists
ABG's example document/d/ 12t4HLNRepCnbmcfycdF8wSHWht_ D1P8hKJpTknVDChY/edit demonstrates filtering
Stephen's example site/stevozip/home/AI2/tinydb
Thanks Steve, much appreciate the links.
Hi Steve, just a quick update to let you know that the links were very useful. I now have a reasonably good understanding of lists and TinyDB, or at least enough for me to make my first app to submit to my high school class! Thanks again, Medha.
Great, glad to help.
Merry Christmas,
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