2014년 12월 25일 목요일

open another screen name (but screen name "screen2" not found)

I have made 3 screens, now on first screen1 i put a button1 for which i want by pressing button1 i want to see screen2 but i am not getting the option to go to screen2,
I have taken "when_button1_.click" do "open another screen" screen name (here is the problem- from where to get screen2 name here) i am not getting it because when i go to
current screen1 to screen2 nothing is there...
And while on current screen1 i don't have screen2 option anywhere...
Plz help me for this .....

You need to 'make' the block from a Text block:
Type Screen2 in the block.

Be sure that you type Screen2 and not screen2;   App Inventor is case sensitive, you have to type the name of the screen exactly as you named it.

What about:

The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor

Advice: Before posting, it's a good idea to search in this forum. Many others have likely run into problems similar to yours. How to search see screenshot.

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