2016년 12월 25일 일요일

App Crashing and Losing Progress on App

Our app is currently facing problems. Our app is always crashing after a few min on App Inventor Companion or when downloaded as .apk file. In addition, we lost the recent progress we made on our app

Many people are using the App Inventor Server from our school, so could these two problems be related? We are facing problems at school and home. 

1. make sure to switch screens correctly
The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor

2. follow these recommendations concerning images

We tried closing our screens, but our app is still crashing...just wondering if this piece of info would be helpful: 23 screens and 56 multimedia files. Would this contribute to the crashing of our app?

Note: We built this app by splitting the screens up into 3 apps, then we merged them together. Our app is VERY complicated, so we had 23 screens...there was no other way to get around it.

10 screens is the recommended maximum number of screens
you also might want to take a look into avoiding redundancy, see Enis' tips here http://twodogapps.com/?page_id=686#Redundancy and here http://twodogapps.com/?page_id=686#Procedures

Ok, thanks. Just wondering - is there a max amount of multimedia files we can have?

no, but there is an app size limit

How to overcome the App Inventor project limit of 10 MB


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